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Request for Confirmation on (ICFMEME 2012) conference

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Aug. 27,2012 21:54

Asked by Mr. mohamed mahgoub ( Egypt )

Request for Confirmation on (ICFMEME 2012) conference
Sorry for annoying and thank you in advance, i am Dr. Mahgoub from Egypt . I have invited via email to attend a conference at your respective High-Tech Mansion BUPT Beijing-hotel.

The conference data is as follows:

The International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy(ICFMEME 2012) will be held in Beijing, China during December 20-21, 2012. ICFMEME 2012

Now, I would like to confirm if the above data true or not.

Please i will wait for your reply as soon as possible to finish my registration procedure and pay the conference fee.

Thank you expending your time

Dr. Mahgoub
Answers (1)

Aug. 28,2012 13:36

Answered by Mr.Gary From ChinaTravelDepot (China)

I have tried to call High-Tech Mansion BUPT but get no information for the conference you mentioned, you can call High-Tech Mansion BUPT directly to check the information you need 86-10-62258866.
Answers (2)

Sep. 27,2012 13:45

Answered by Mr.Mohammad Faraji (Iran)

I have the same Question, from Iran. I am also in doublt about this conference?
Answers (3)

Sep. 27,2012 13:54

Answered by Mr.Mohammad Faraji (Iran)

I just emailed to anyone in technical comittee of the conference and also to the journal editors they mentioned in their web site and i am still waiting for responces. I also called to the BUPT hotel they dont know anything about the conference?

I dont know if this conference is genuine they absoloutly should know because it is going to be big conference?
Answers (4)

Nov. 01,2012 11:52

Answered by Mr.Louis Pereira (India)

Has anyone received latest update on the conferences - there are more than 1 conference on the same date and venue by the same organizer!
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