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Hiking Great Wall of Shixiaguan Section. One Day Tour.

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Aug. 31,2012 13:59

Asked by Mr. Barry Holmes ( Australia )

Hiking Great Wall of Shixiaguan Section. One Day Tour.
3 of us are interested in doing this hike, after Chinese New Year 2013.
What will the weather be like after 15th February, will it be very cold, and can we travel at any time suitable to us?
Answers (1)

Aug. 31,2012 18:14

Answered by Mr.Artemis from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Dear Barry Holmes,
Yes, you could book it at any time you want. It will be cold in February, since it is winter in Beijing. This tour will be arranged everyday except thunder and rainy day.
Best Regards,
Artemis from ChinaTravelDepot
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