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Transporation from the airport to the hotel

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Sep. 06,2012 17:18

Asked by Ms. Kirsi Pohjola ( Finland )

Transporation from the airport to the hotel
Dear Sirs,

I would like to know what is the best way to arrive to the hotel from the airport? Is a shuttle bus available? I am arriving in the evening on 14th September and leaving in the morning on 15th September.
I have a voucher for the accomondation should I need to confirm it with you before arrival?

With best regards,
Kirsi Pohjola
Answers (1)

Sep. 06,2012 17:33

Answered by Mr.Gary from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Golden Phoenix Hotel (Catpial Airport) Beijing provide 24 hours pick-up service from airport free of charge, you can just call 86-10-81463366 upon your arrival to request for pick-up service.
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