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China Tour Inquiry

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Sep. 09,2012 09:20

Asked by Mr. Adam Waxman ( United States/America )

China Tour Inquiry
I am looking to find a private tour for my wife and I to China. ?The issue is that we really want to find the most budget friendly trip we can, so instead of us choosing dates for the trip, I want to give you basic times and see if you can find the best budget deals (please include R/T airfare from Atlanta). We are seasoned travelers and look for budget cost effective trips, so 3 star hotels are fine.

We would like to just see if there is a way to go to the Winter Ice Festival in Harbin. This along with Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai. Although this is not ideal for us time of year wise, we might be interested in it, since it is something we both have talked about as a trip. ?Again, give us the best price and dates, and we can see if it works.

The other time we can go to China is at the end of May (after Memorial Day weekend) through July. ?We want to find a 9 to 10 day tour with a tour free day on the day we arrive, and then at the end of the trip, so a total of 11 to 13 days of travel.

We want to at a minimum go to Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai, but want to see other cities/areas.

Looking forward to your suggestions.
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