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How do I reach your hotel from Shanghai?

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Sep. 11,2012 13:39

Asked by Mr. Lau ( Canada )

How do I reach your hotel from Shanghai?
Dear Sir, I will be leaving Shanghai in the morning of October 14 for Putuoshan via the luxury bus. Understand the bus will arrive Shenjiamen in Zhoushan after some five hours trip. Then we have to take a hover craft to Putuoshan. Is all these information correct?
Big question is how do we get to your hotel when we reached Putuoshan ferry terminal?
Another question is do you have handicapped services.?
One more question is can we book the cable car ticket in advance?
Thank you in advance . Paul Lau
Answers (1)

Sep. 11,2012 18:02

Answered by Mr.Gary From ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Kindly remind you that you need to take 20 minutes boat from Shenjiamen to Zhoushan,when you get on the boat you can call the reception of Xiangsheng Grand Hotel and Resort Mountain Putuo to meet you at the port and transfer you to Xiangsheng Grand Hotel and Resort Mountain Putuo free of charge.
Xiangsheng Grand Hotel and Resort Mountain Putuo has a handicapped washroom at the lobby and can provide handicapped chair.
You can't book cable ticket in advance, Xiangsheng Grand Hotel and Resort Mountain Putuo is very close to the cable car center.
If you want to stay at Xiangsheng Grand Hotel and Resort Mountain Putuo, please book now through the following link to avoid full booking:

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