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Bringing a pet

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Sep. 13,2012 17:58

Asked by Ms. Annelen ( China )

Bringing a pet
We would like to stay 2 or 3 nights to go hiking and climb the Five Finger Mountain.

1. question:

Is it allowed to bring our dog (he is very small)

2. question:

How far is it to get to the mountain?

Thanks in advance!
Answers (1)

Sep. 13,2012 18:04

Answered by Mr.Gary from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Kindly remind you that pet is not allowed at Wuzhishan Resort Hotel - Tongshi. Wuzhishan Resort Hotel - Tongshi is about 24 km to the mountain. If you want to stay at Wuzhishan Resort Hotel - Tongshi, please visit the following website to book your room.

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