
Home > Answers > China Activities > Does the tour to the Great Wall include the "Spirit Way" ?

Does the tour to the Great Wall include the "Spirit Way" ?

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Sep. 15,2012 19:07

Asked by Mr. Quality Tourism ( Israel )

Does the tour to the Great Wall include the "Spirit Way" ?
Answers (1)

Sep. 15,2012 19:17

Answered by Ms.Artemis from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

This tour includes Badaling Great Wall and Ming Tombs (Chang Tomb). The "Spirit Way" is excluded. If you want to visit there, we could arrange the price tour for you. Please send all your requests to tourpackages@chinatraveldepot.com. We will help you arrange it.

Best Regards,

Artemis from ChinaTravelDepot Team
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