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hotel rooms for reservation oct 14th thru oct 19th

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Sep. 17,2012 15:05

Asked by Mr. Ramakrishna ( United States/America )

hotel rooms for reservation oct 14th thru oct 19th
Could you please give me the telephone number of the hotel. I have been trying to call using 792-829-1591 but this number does not seem to be working. Is there another number i can use to make reservations and to talk with someone there at the hotel. Also How can i make reservations? Would i be able to pay using credit card?
Thank you. Ramakrishna
Answers (1)

Sep. 17,2012 15:35

Answered by Mr.Gary from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

The contact phone number of Lu Qin Villa - Lushan is 0792-8281256, you are not recommended to call them beacause their English is not so good, if you have further inquiry, you can call +861058158830 or email to us for help.

For booking, you can make your booking online on the following link:

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