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free beds from 26th to 28th

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Sep. 22,2012 07:43

Asked by Ms. Natalie Noack ( Germany )

free beds from 26th to 28th
we are 3 persons and want to stay in your hotel for 2 nights from the 26th to the 28th of September. Do you still have cheap dorm beds during this time? We can not book the dorm beds for around 21 USD per night anymore.
Thank you for your help
Natalie Noack
Answers (1)

Sep. 22,2012 11:32

Answered by Mr.Gary From ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Kindly remind you that there are still three dorm bed available for your dates at Huangshan Paiyunlou Hotel, the price is 190RMB per bed per night, if you want to book it, please email us the guest names and provide us your credit card to garantee the dorm beds at Huangshan Paiyunlou Hotel.
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