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Airport Service/Breakfast

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Sep. 24,2012 10:49

Asked by Ms. Jocelyn ( Philippines )

Airport Service/Breakfast
I just want to know if you have airport service?. if I arrive at around 12:30 in the morning do you fix your guest at the airport? Is it free or do you charge, if so may I know how much?
and about the breakfast it is stated that you provide complimentary breakfast but when i check the room rates, it is indicated that breakfast not included?.
thank you.
Answers (1)

Sep. 24,2012 11:03

Answered by Mr.Gary from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Kindly remind you that Holiday Inn Express Beijing Minzuyuan doesn't provide airport transfer service, you can take a taxi to the hotel which will tcost about 100RMB. When checking the rate, you will find out that different room type and different payment method have different policy of breakfast, please select the one that you would prefer to take.
Answers (2)

Sep. 26,2012 10:47

Answered by Ms.Jocelyn (Philippines)

Since you doesn't provide airport transfer service could you arrange me for a service , Im very much willing to pay for it just to make sure Ill arrive at the hotel secure and safe.
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