
Home > Answers > China Tours > Besides ,the food in Chongqing was soooooooooooooo delicious .

Besides ,the food in Chongqing was soooooooooooooo delicious .

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Oct. 31,2012 17:39

Asked by Mr. Alice ( Sweden )

Besides ,the food in Chongqing was soooooooooooooo delicious .
The second day of this trip impressed me most. We visited the Dazu Rock Carvings .The guide t
told us that it was Being the masterpiece of Chinese exquisite grotto art, Dazu Rock Carvings is
a shining star in the speleological art treasure. It deserves the reputation. All our tourists
spoke highly of this great art. Besides ,the food in Chongqing was soooooooooooooo delicious .
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