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Can you offer a custom package

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Nov. 15,2012 11:17

Asked by Mr. Randy Thoen ( United States/America )

Can you offer a custom package
We are looking at a Guilin English guided tour but would arrive and leave by train from Beihia the fist week of December so we would need to be picked up and dropped off at the train station and have an extra night of lodging before and after the tour begins, so 4 nights lodging. There would be 3 of us so can we get a single room that will sleep 3? Also, can you include an option price to attend a musical show like "Impression Liu Sanjie" and also an option price for the bamboo boat on the Yulong river? Thank you for your assistance.
Answers (1)

Nov. 15,2012 16:28

Answered by Ms.Louise from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

We can prepare a triple room with 3 beds, and for the quotaion, I have sent it in email.
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