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Where is my ticket

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May. 19,2018 03:50

Asked by Mr. Lidun Gu ( United States/America )

Where is my ticket
I am going to let you explain what happen before I provide review feedback. Back in October 2017 I ordedered one ticket for my wife, Julie Gu and pay for it with Discover card at the amount of 100.68. Her ticket was fine under E-ticket 999-5901214096. My ticket was under e-ticket 999-5901214088. It was supposed to be charge the same amount 100.68, but was charged 103.68. I had the credit card company verify the discrepancy and the 103.68 was paid. So on May 2, 2018 - I tried to check in and discovered that I do not have a ticket. Can not get in contact with you to find out what had happened. You have no customer support phone numbers that worked. My only recourse was to buy another ticket. Having no bank account or credit card with China, I was stuck and had to beg my relative to buy the ticket for me. I was finally able to and had to spend additional amount for the ticket and lots more. Please provide details why I was not provided for a ticket when it has been paid.
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