
Home > Answers > China Hotels > if we stay several days, at what time shall we check in?

if we stay several days, at what time shall we check in?

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Aug. 11,2012 22:34

Asked by Ms. RONG ( China )

if we stay several days, at what time shall we check in?
if we stay several days, at what time shall we check in? and if we can keep the same room during all our stay?\

Answers (1)

Aug. 13,2012 16:22

Answered by Mr.Gary From ChinaTravelDepot (China)

You can check in any time between 12:00 to 18:00 at 7 Days Inn(Jiangnanxi Road Branch) , if you stay days, you needn't check out, just stay in the same room for all your dates. If you want to book, please visit:http://m.lyshangke.cn/H290212-7-Days-InnJiangnanxi-Road-Branch-Guangzhou
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