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Aug. 14,2012 03:26

Asked by Ms. Joy Kim ( United States/America )

I was wondering what time the bus can pick us up from the hotel, and when does it drop us off? We will be staying at the Shangri La Hotel in Pudong and we would want to book a tour for 2 people on September 12, 2012 (9/12/2012). THank you.
Thank you.
-Joy K.
Answers (1)

Aug. 14,2012 14:34

Answered by Ms.Louise from ChinaTravelDepot (China)

Hello Joy,
Your private car will pick you up at 9am from your hotel and the tour will last for about 6 hours. So the drop off time is around 3pm.
Should you have further request, please feel free to contact us! :)
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