Uploaded on Jul 13, 2011
Dear Julia,
The day in suzhou was probably my favourite day of the week in China. For those who work it is nearly the only day that is taken as a holiday and it is perhaps for this reason that there's always an extra jauntiness to the streets, an extra spring in the step and moreover, an even greater crowd than usual out and about.
There's a slight cessation of pace even with the increase in foot traffic, and the parks, gardens and shopping centres are full of families, children and couples. Sundays are like a pause in the monotony of working life, a time for play, a time for enjoyment, a time for meeting friends and family, gossiping, catching up or just floating along on a gentle cloud of free time for a while.
Make a trip on Suzhou and you'll find city squares bursting with sound and activities, you'll find the old and the young, you'll find the sleepers and the watchers. For this reason alone, it's a great day to step out and let the flow of the tide take you where it will, immerse yourself in the restless meanderings of others and don't forget to keep a look out for secrets and surprises.
Kind regards,