1. Why can ChinaTravelDepot.com offer the best price for flights between Hong Kong and Guilin?
A: ChinaTravelDepot.com offers charter flights all year around.
2.Why the deal suites you?
A: ChinaTravelDepot.com offers daily charter flights all year around
3. What’s the timetable for the flights?
A: From Guilin to Hong Kong: 17:05-18:20
From Hong Kong to Guilin 19:20 -20:35
4. What are the prices for the flights between Hong Kong and Guilin?
From Hong Kong to Guilin
2010.04.01-2011.03.15 68USD /Pax
From Guilin to Hong Kong:
2010.04.01 - 2010.05.31 169USD /Pax
2010.06.01 - 2010.09.15 161USD /Pax
2010.09.16 - 2010.10.31 169USD /Pax
2010.11.01 - 2010.11.15 161USD /Pax
2010.11.16 - 2011.03.15 137USD /Pax
The above rates doesn't include tax of 28.5USD/Pax/One Way
5. How to get tickets?
A: Send emails to Chinaflights@chinatraveldepot.com, our staff will settle the tickets for you in 1 working day.
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