Wuyuan is a world-famous town strongly featured by Huizhou local culture and the idyllic scenery. Wuyuan is located in the northeast of Jiangxi province. Wuyuan gets close to Quzhou of Zhejiang province on the east and Jingdezhen of Jiangxi province on the west. It is near to Huangshan Mountain on the north and Sanqing Mountain on the south. It is a green pearl surrounded by so many world famous places. Traditionally, Wuyuan boasted the traditional education center and tea center. Crowned to be China’s Most Beautiful Village, Wuyuan has been nationally famous as the eco-tour destination. And as one essential part of Huizhou culture, Wuyuan has been one hot destination for visitors or culture lovers to explore. Without any influence from Chinese modernization and urbanization, Wuyuan still keeps its mystery and elegance as a center of classical beauty and traditional lifestyle.