Beijing Tourism Development Commission informed that the stimulation of Beijing 72 hours visa-free transit policy on Beijing inbound tourism became more obvious. The amount of Beijing 72 hours visa-free transit visitors in Beijing capital airport rose 184.8% to 1746 persons from a year ago. Recently, Beijing will push the implementation of tax refund policy to attract more entry tourists.
Tourism Development Commission said they were coordinating relevant departments to improve the relevant measures of 72 hours visa-free policy, which including accelerating the implementation of tax refund policy, introducing market competition mechanism to provide 72 hours visa-free tourism products or tour packages to travelers, actively coordinating relevant apartments to add more airport shuttles or increase more routes towards hotels and scenic areas to solve traffic problem, and strengthening the cooperation with other cities who were issued with the 72 hours visa-free policy, such asShanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang and Dalian.